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Energy Savings

The TRU is able to utilize the waste from the flue gases and thermal energy found within the environment to achieve average efficiencies of up to 151% instead of releasing toxic and other gases into the atmosphere without any adverse effects to rooftop unit.

​Dollar for dollar, the Thermal Recovery Unit (TRU) rooftop package unit (RTU) out performs photovoltaic solar, hydro, wind, geothermal, or any other currently used form of renewable green energy. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80% and thermal pollution by 100% while delivering millions of BTUs of heating and cooling comfort within a building. The more the TRU rooftop unit operates the greener the planet.

​In almost every state generous rebate programs introduced by federal, state, local and utility companies will substantially subsidize the cost of the unit and installation. The TRU rooftop unit may reduce heating and cooling utility bills by over 50% saving building owners and tenants a significant amount of money each month and reducing the amount of energy being used.


Commercial Energy Saving Plus, LLC


  • TRU Commercial Application - Works on all Packaged Rooftop Units: Natural Gas, Liquid Propane Gas-fired furnaces, and Hot Water Boilers flue gas emissions
  • ​Initial sizes: 2 -15 ton gas/elec packaged Rooftop Units
  • TRU Captures toxic and other gas flue emissions thru proprietary technology: extracts all potential energy and returning it to conditioned space, dramatically increase efficiency up to 151 %, discharging cold, environmentally clean air