Commercial Energy Saving Plus, LLC


Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning)


Standard HVAC units are given their efficiency ratings under extremely specific conditions found only within a controlled environmental chamber. That is not real life, meaning continually changing weather and outdoor conditions will have a dramatic affect on the actual efficiencies your customer eventually realizes. This also means that the day you install their unit will most likely be the day they see the unit’s best efficiencies and it is all a loss after that. Even with the installation of a supposed smart thermostat, the actual efficiency of their unit does not change it just turns on or off more frequently.

Unparalleled Innovation

The Thermal Recovery Unit (TRU) saves money and the environment all year round, besides saving natural gas or propane in the winter months, the system dramatically reduces the amount of electricity required to air condition a building. The TRU even improves the air quality of a building by controlling the heating and cooling equipment more efficiently. It can actually determine how clean the air is inside the building and filter the air more frequently to maintain a cleaner and healthier indoor environment.

The TRU continually monitors the indoor and outdoor environments allowing it to react accordingly. Therefore, it can control the heating and cooling system in a method that works with the environment to deliver better comfort at a lower cost in both the heating and cooling seasons. All year round the system is improving comfort, air quality and saving money.

​The TRU rooftop package unit (RTU)is the first and only rooftop unit (RTU) to us artificial intelligence (AI) to run many modeling solutions with in seconds of a call for operation. It then determines which cycling methods would work best with the environment to most efficiently and effectively heat or cool the building.

The TRU defies the logic which has been accepted by the heating and cooling industry that more comfort means higher utility cost. Simply put, if you want to be cooler in the summer or warmer in the winter, you would pay more. With the TRU that is simply not true, more comfort actually means lower fuel and electricity cost. Since the TRU works with the environment instead of against it as conventional system operates today. The TRU is able to achieve these remarkable goals by creating an indoor environment conducive to your body's natural reaction to heat, cold, humidity, pressure and air quality.

The TRU unit is essentially learning how to use the environment it was placed in to achieve never before seen fuel efficiencies. This means unlike conventional HVAC wisdom, the day you install a TRU on the rooftop unit and achieve the 100% plus efficiencies you probably saw its infancy, and every day it will learn to operate better, smarter and more efficient with clean and green energy.

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